Landscape Architecture | Site Planning | Project Management

Project: Halifax Public Gardens Restoration

Client: Halifax Regional Municipality
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia

Vollick McKee's Role

Vollick McKee as prime consultant led a multi-disciplinary design team in the restoration of the historic Public Gardens in the wake of Hurricane Juan within a highly compressed project schedule.

Work included:
• Researching the Gardens history to identify historic design features;
• Preparing multiple construction tender packages to meet the project schedule;
• Project administration during construction more than sixteen tender packages.
• Resolving surface and sub-surface drainage problems and preparing associated tender documents;
• Designing the detailed restoration of a watercourse containing multiple pools and waterfalls;
• Restoring the stone retaining walls of an historic pond edge;
• Designing and coordinating pathway system restoration;
• Planting design of watercourse and pond embankments;
• Coordinating with sub-consultants in design of water treatment and pond water pumping systems;
• Designing a new entry plaza;
• Designing an irrigation system and preparing associated tender documents; and
• Conceptual design of new washroom complex and visitor interpretation gateway complimentary to the Gardens’ historic character.